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Los Sauces SWSP Infrastructure Request For Proposal

Notice of Request for Proposal to Fabricate and Install Parshall Flumes, Install a Pipeline and Construct a Ditch on the Los Sauces Ditch System in Conejos County

Subdistrict No. 3 and Subdistrict No. 6 of the Rio Grande Water Conservation District and Subdistrict No. 7 of the Trinchera Groundwater Management Subdistrict are seeking bids to fabricate and install two (2) 18” Parshall flumes, source and install ~1,300 l.f. of 24” N-12 Dual Wall HDPE pipe, and construct a new ~1,360 l.f. open ditch on the Los Sauces Ditch system located in eastern Conejos County, CO. Bidders should itemize bids and should include the costs for:
• Two (2) 18” Parshall Flumes
• One (1) cubic yard of Roadbase
• One (1) cubic yard of Riprap
• Construct a 1,360 linear foot ditch
• Source and install 1,300 linear feet of 24” Diameter N-12 Dual Wall HDPE Pipe

Bids should also include a description of equipment to be used, the bidder’s qualifications, and the estimated date of completion. The completion date must be on or before April 30th, 2025 to assure the project is operational by May 1, 2025, or otherwise as soon as possible to allow for use under the Subdistricts’ 2025 Annual Replacement Plans. The Subdistricts will be responsible for all costs associated with the completed construction/fabrication and installation of all materials, accessories and components. The Subdistrict reserves the right to accept the bid it deems most accurate for the scope of work proposed.
Site visits can be coordinated with potential bidders prior to the submittal of a bid. To schedule a one-off site visit or if you have any questions and/or need more details then please contact Angelo Bellah by phone at (719) 589-6301 or by email at Proposals will be accepted through April 1st, 2025, and may be submitted in person or by mail at 8805 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO, 81101, or by e-mail to

Los Sauces Ditch Lower Infratructure Project Plans
Construction plans for a ditch infrastructure in Conejos County, CO, including a vicinity map and construction notes.